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JEPPCA(Japan Employment Providers of the Philippines and Consultants’ Association)


For sharing ~ thank you. We agree with PRRD. Really FACEBOOK... [JEPPCA]

1人、、「Facebook, listen to me. We allow you to operate here hoping that you could help us also. Now, if government cannot espouse or advocate something which is for the good of the people, then what is your purpose here in my country? -President Rodrigo Roa Duterte PRRD on Facebook for Targeting Pro GovernmentAdvocacy Pages September 28. 2020 Presidensal Communications」というテキストの画像のようです
1人、、「34% 8:17 am JAPAN NO PLACEMENT FEE! APPLY NOW Group by Proud OFW and 8 other Pages JAPAN WORK ABROAD Public group 489k Members + Invite Announcements Watch party Photos Ever」というテキストの画像のようです
、「You selected False news Facebook uses your feedback to improve. Other steps you can take Leave this group This will also prevent members from re-adding you. is this all that you can do, FACEBOOK PHILS.?」というテキストの画像のようです

For sharing ~ thank you.

We agree with PRRD.

Really FACEBOOK PHILIPPINES, if you can not take down the many Facebook pages (such as "JAPAN WORK ABROAD" and its ...creator-group pages), administered by scammers and unauthorized recruiters, what are you doing in our country?

リンク元: JEPPCA