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JEPPCA(Japan Employment Providers of the Philippines and Consultants’ Association)


To all jobseekers who wants to work in Japan, please read+4J... [JEPPCA]

To all jobseekers who wants to work in Japan, please read


A reference for Filipino applicants seeking employment in JAPAN??
Here are names of the 275 licensed Philippine agencies certified by our POEA as "Approved Send...ing Organizations for Japan under the TITP & SSW-deployment tracks".

This updated list is downloadable from the POEA website (poea.gov.ph).
Job applicants are advised to visit the same website to check which of these licensed agencies have approved job orders for Japan under TITP or SSW-scheme. Or, contact the licensed agency to verify status of their job orders.
Reminders from #JEPPCA

#jobopps #japan #poea

リンク元: JEPPCA